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5 Flexible Schedule Jobs You Can Apply For

November 17, 2022

If you're looking for flexible schedule jobs in the United States, your search has come to an end. Many people, like you, are looking for work to have enough free time for the best work-life balance. It is one of the pandemic effects that could reduce the Great Recession happening in the USA. Millions of Americans have quit their jobs in the last few months for many reasons. If you are among those searching for the right jobs with flexible schedules, you need to know the many advantages.


A recent survey from many job-searching people confirms that flex-scheduled jobs are the top priority when evaluating a job prospect, even above salary, health insurance, etc. It is because jobs with a flexible schedule are for more than just freelancers and gig workers. Also, flexible job schedules offer more advantages for employees and employers. Employers benefit from reducing employee turnover, which affects many companies in the USA and worldwide.


So, check out jobs with flexible schedules, their many advantages to both the employee and employer and the five best flexible schedule jobs in USA.


What are "flexible schedule jobs"?


Most jobs in the USA require you to work around 40 hours a week, five days a week. Many keep the same weekly work hours and adjust the days from five to four to offer flexible jobs. Depending on the employer, the working hours may vary from a day to a week, a month, or even a year. Both the employee and the employer work together to fix flexible schedules. And there are many such variations, of which six are more prominent. They include a compressed week, an alternative schedule, a completely flexible schedule, results-only nature, flex time, and a split shirt.


What are the advantages of jobs with flexible schedules?


Though the fixed and time-tested nine-to-five schedule for jobs has more stability and predictability, many job-searching people want flexible schedules. It is from the pandemic jobs with flexible schedules moved from being optional to the new norm for many job profiles. It is because of its advantages to both the employees and the employer.

Advantages of flex schedule jobs to an employer


  • Improves employees retention to not lose the top talent because of not providing flex schedule jobs
  • Improves diversity in choosing the right skilled persons breaking boundaries to increase the company’s productivity
  • Enhances employee engagement by empowering them with flexible schedule jobs to have the discretionary effect of being part of the company to achieve its goals easily and quickly
  • Motivates employees to reduce absenteeism, turnover, and career longevity to use the best talent for a long time
  • Reduce recruitment expenses that have become an expensive process for advertising, training, and other expenses along with loss of reputation, among others
  • Minimize office space expenses for small businesses and startups that could help to use the money for better business development purposes
  • Reduces losses because of many distractions in the office that have become huge in the recent years


Advantages of flex job schedules for employees


  • Improves work-life balance to provide enough time to take care of personal lives and spend more time with family
  • Increase health and well-being by reducing stress caused because of office politics, and others to be more productive.
  • Decrease burnout because of overwork to complete within strict deadlines that could reduce the motivation to achieve the business goals.


What are the best jobs with flexible schedules in the USA?


There are many flexible-schedule jobs in the USA with varying salary levels and free hours. The best five include median salary and average hourly rate information from the 2020 US BLS, or Bureau of Labor Statistics, report.


  1. Data scientists are one of the high-paying flex-schedule jobs that get around 50 dollars per hour and are in high demand because companies collect huge amounts of data, and most of the analyzing work is done remotely.
  2. Software consultant is another high-paying job with flexible schedules to pay around 45 dollars per hour depending on the skill level.
  3. Dietitian and nutrition jobs for food experts is a moderate paying job with flexible schedules to pay around 30 dollars per hour and is in high demand as many suffer from overweight and obesity issues.
  4. Plumber & electrician are other jobs with flexible working hours with moderate pay of around 25 dollars that vary with clientele base and more work.
  5. Massage therapist is one of the flexible jobs, though with not as high pay as others but not need any high education but with the right skills to earn around 20 dollars per hour.

The above facts, advantages, and flex schedule jobs will end your job searching with flexible hours in the USA to have a better work-life balance and high quality of life. 

If you are looking for a job in USA, head to our career page to explore the opportunities.


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